Social Issues

KnowMe 2018 – Get to Know Rare Disorders Society of Singapore (RDSS) with iROO

It was one the rarest moments in my life; meeting with the families of RDSS opened my eyes to a world ALL of us should learn more about and certainly become involved in. I was in awe of the strength and resilience these family members displayed. Our daily struggles are nowhere close to theirs, yet all I saw was hope, tenacity and fulfilment on each of their faces. It’s experiences like these that give me a whole new perspective on what’s important and what’s not. And this is why I choose to be part of the iROO/RDSS KnowMe2018 Campaign Drive.

Why Support this Cause?

RDSS members are faced with several issues such as insults and criticism hurled at them or people simply avoiding them believing that patients with rare diseases are contagious etc. Only when the members from RDSS get together do they feel stronger and motivated by each other. Can you imagine being on the receiving end of such negativity all because people don’t know enough? Isn’t that sad and frustrating to say the least? This is why spreading the word and  learning as much as we can about rare disorders and doing what we can to raise awareness is so critical. We can grow and see change only when we do our part to make it happen. 

Only $6.80 for a great cause at iROO stores islandwide
iROO Limited Edition ‘Know Me’ Charity T-shirt

Want to play your part and fun have doing it?
An outing to the Jurong Bird Park will be held on 5 May also to honour all mothers from RDSS families in conjunction with Mother’s Day.  The nett proceeds from the sale of the Charity T-shirts will also be officially donated to RDSS on this day.  The media is invited to join us for this closing event. Do come!

About RDSS
The Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) is currently the only organisation focusing and supporting only on rare disease patients in Singapore. Unlike other charities that focus on specific disease group or made rare genetic disease as one of the supported group, RDSS accepts and supports ALL patients currently diagnosed with rare diseases, including those undiagnosed cases.

There’s so much good work to be done and tons of fun to be had doing it. We hope you come onboard, lend a hand and learn while you’re at it!

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Listen to your HEART

We listen to all the ‘noise’ we hear from the outside everyday. Whether we realise it or not, we listen to the books we read, the friends we talk to, the movies and videos we watch, the ads we stumble upon and the news. We may block some of it out, but we get influenced to a small or large extent depending on where we are in life and THAT is the biggest irony because the ONE thing we should listen to more than anything else is our heart.

#BeTheFinestPerson – 5 things about yourself to you need to OWN this 2017

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