
Get Yourself into Alignment with Anita Ghosal – International Coach And Speaker

International Coach & Speaker

Imagine being liberated from the need for external validation and approval?

Meet Anita

I know it would be pretty amazing and yes, sassy diva’s, it is possible and it is the most freeing way to live. This is what I do for the women I work with.

Now, I did not always know that over the course of my life I would experienced guilt, self-doubt, hurt, anxiety, anger, lack of confidence, drama, feeling lost, rejection and being misunderstood.

I lost my Dad to suicide when I was 17, been divorced twice and now remarried, raised as UK born Indian where being myself was not an option – there were serious expectations to live up to. I had a tough upbringing with a mother that was certainly not going to win mother of the year award, where I experienced abuse and general madness.

In-spite of this, I was hugely successful on paper – degree, post grad, 18 years in the corporate world getting to the top of the ladder as a Marketing Director, then realising I felt empty, as if I had climbed the wrong ladder. I realised the ladder I had climbed was not mine. I have used these experiences to LIBERATE myself in every way. By using them as my rocket fuel to travel the world, find my true self, live abroad, start my own heart led successful business, claiming and owning myself in ways I never knew possible – without apology.

What is your female archetype? Do the test and find out.

Find out what your personality needs to feel fulfilled! Let Anita tell you all about it! Watch this!

Connect with Anita here;

YOUTHNIVERSE – The Global Youth Singapore Street Festival 2018

The Singapore Street Festival Official launch held at Bugis + level 2 atrium yesterday, was nothing short of fantastically fun and throughly inspiring.

There were various amazing performances and activities which included The Lion City Bboys who won last year’s BOTY SG and represented Singapore to compete in the South Asia Finals in Thailand, as well as other impressive performances such as Street Football, Academy of Rock (AOR) Performers, Belly Dance featuring children dancers, Kendama J-feature, Yoyo, Hip Hop and Erick Guansing.

Erick Guansing

About Singapore Street Festival (SSF)

Singapore Street Festival is a yearly event offering the opportunity for youth to showcase their diverse talents, skills and capabilities in the performing arts, visual arts, popular lifestyle trends, fashion, urban sports, entrepreneurship, technology, health, environment and design. 

SSf is also featured in SHINE Festival, supported by SHINE Festival and Academy of Rock.

Founded in 2002 by one of Singapore’s most prolific independent producers Ms. Annie Pek, the Singapore Street Festival is a yearly non-profit social and community event offering youths the opportunity to showcase their diverse skills and capabilities in the performing arts, visual arts, popular lifestyle trends fashion, urban sports, entrepreneurship, technology, health, environment and design. Not limited to Singapore only but also across the region and the international arena too, SSF has become familiar in youth’s hearts and minds as the genre and medium of their dreams and their passion.

For more information on Singapore Street Festival 2017 check out the following:

Performances from the launch:



My top 3 tips for Mothers this Mother’s Day

My child is NOT ME

Yes I know what the right thing to do is. I have a good idea of which actions to take in order to obtain the most desirable outcome. I have a strong mind and my taste in people, places and things work in my favour. But I’m 23 years older than my son and I belong to Generation X while he is a Millennial. Things were (obviously) different in my generation. Our parents were different, our life experiences were different, our peers were different, our teachers and mentors were different; the economical, cultural and social landscape was different but that didn’t stop me from trying to make him think, feel and act the way I would have at his age???!!! Clearly that never worked out for either of us because of all the reasons stated above. The more I pushed for us to be aligned in our values and beliefs, the more evident it became that we weren’t. My son is not and will never be ME and the day I stopped fighting it and chose to see things through his lenses was the day our relationship took a turn for the better. Through exercising more compassion and understanding, I’ve gotten much more out of our relationship. He’s less guarded and more open to allowing me in knowing that I will try my best to put myself in his shoes. The more I see him for himself and not for who I want him to be, the more room I give him to grow into a healthy, well-adjusted young man.

No. 2

I do NOT know everything

I may have had some major life experiences and gone through things many may have not, BUT I am not THE KNOWER OF EVERYTHING. I don’t know what it’s like to be a 20year old struggling with young people problems in 2018. I don’t know what the hype with Snapchat is about or how to use words such as Bae, Lit and Feels without sounding like an absolute moron. And this is just me stating a few things about growing up in this generation that I’m not familiar with. Don’t even get me started on what it’s like to have my life splashed all over Facebook with or without my consent or to worry about when or where that questionable photo of me will show up, or how my relationship status should become public knowledge the moment I’m in or out of one! All these stresses and demands are things I know little or nothing about and I should admit that as a parent. My child may know way more than me in some instances and my willingness to switch roles and be the learner and listener has proven to be extremely helpful in improving our communication with each other. He has expressed appreciation for the times I’ve shown vulnerability and unawareness. In his own words he says it makes me ‘more human and relatable’ and I can deal that because I am:)

No. 3

I AM Mother first, friend second

Being a single mother (before I tied the knot again 4 years ago), I always felt the need to over compensate and because I didn’t have much money I did it with leniency. I wanted so badly to win my child’s approval, that the thought of denying him of anything was usually the last resort. My idea of a great mother-child relationship was one where he could feel free to say or do anything around me. This is when I learnt that being flexible and being lenient are not one and the same. Clear boundaries should always be set. While it’s fun to be the fun parent and nice to see our child feel comfortable around us, our role is not to make life and fun and comfortable as possible, our role is to nurture and guide them. We should never forget that we are role models in their eyes and role models have a specific role to play. A role which influences our child positively. Saying NO is necessary sometimes and we should not second guess ourselves when we do. Age appropriate chores and tasks help our children learn responsibility. Setting expectations and holding them accountable for wrongdoings is a prerequisite. It’s always going to be tough to strike a balance but not doing so could result in a much tougher road ahead. So remember, you can be their pal but you should be their Mother first.

With that, Happy Mother’s Day!!!

KnowMe 2018 – Get to Know Rare Disorders Society of Singapore (RDSS) with iROO

It was one the rarest moments in my life; meeting with the families of RDSS opened my eyes to a world ALL of us should learn more about and certainly become involved in. I was in awe of the strength and resilience these family members displayed. Our daily struggles are nowhere close to theirs, yet all I saw was hope, tenacity and fulfilment on each of their faces. It’s experiences like these that give me a whole new perspective on what’s important and what’s not. And this is why I choose to be part of the iROO/RDSS KnowMe2018 Campaign Drive.

Why Support this Cause?

RDSS members are faced with several issues such as insults and criticism hurled at them or people simply avoiding them believing that patients with rare diseases are contagious etc. Only when the members from RDSS get together do they feel stronger and motivated by each other. Can you imagine being on the receiving end of such negativity all because people don’t know enough? Isn’t that sad and frustrating to say the least? This is why spreading the word and  learning as much as we can about rare disorders and doing what we can to raise awareness is so critical. We can grow and see change only when we do our part to make it happen. 

Only $6.80 for a great cause at iROO stores islandwide
iROO Limited Edition ‘Know Me’ Charity T-shirt

Want to play your part and fun have doing it?
An outing to the Jurong Bird Park will be held on 5 May also to honour all mothers from RDSS families in conjunction with Mother’s Day.  The nett proceeds from the sale of the Charity T-shirts will also be officially donated to RDSS on this day.  The media is invited to join us for this closing event. Do come!

About RDSS
The Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) is currently the only organisation focusing and supporting only on rare disease patients in Singapore. Unlike other charities that focus on specific disease group or made rare genetic disease as one of the supported group, RDSS accepts and supports ALL patients currently diagnosed with rare diseases, including those undiagnosed cases.

There’s so much good work to be done and tons of fun to be had doing it. We hope you come onboard, lend a hand and learn while you’re at it!

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