It was right there waiting for me, both the TUNACADO sandwich and the best Cup of Joe. There I was having one of my usual days, with twenty million things to do and never knowing where to start, but ALWAYS ready for a cup of coffee. I arrived at ION Orchard asking myself where could I find something healthy and delicious and where would I like best to enjoy it.

My first instinct was to walk to Ngee Ann City to buy myself enough time to come to a decision. As luck would have it, there he was, Joe & The Juice. He looked so tempting, I couldn’t resist walking right in. I asked if he served good coffee and they nodded confidently. But my quest was not over, I needed a meal too. Within two minutes of looking at the menu on the wall,  I found a sandwich made for me, the TUNACADO. Imagining the taste of tuna and avocado was enough to make me salivate. It was all too easy. Being human, there was a small part of me expecting to be disappointed but when I took my first sip and my first bite, I was smiling from ear to ear. Both food and beverage met my expectations, which are relatively high. I walked up to the counter and told the guys that I would be telling all my friends about the place. So now YOU know! Try it out. I’ll join you for coffee if you’d like😉

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